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How to Stay Organized and Productive During Unexpected Downtime: Self-Care and Mindfulness Tips Used after Hurricane Milton.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, discover how to stay productive and calm during

power outages with these self-care, mindfulness, and organization tips.

It’s been four days since Hurricane Milton devastated the State of Florida, and thousands of us are still without electricity and are creatively coming up with things to do to pass the time. When a hurricane or other unexpected event leaves you without electricity, it’s easy to feel unproductive and out of sync. For some of us, this can be akin to watching paint dry, and no one wants to do that!

But while the power’s out, you don’t have to be! Whether you're managing the chaos with family or riding it out solo, this can be the perfect opportunity to slow down, get organized, and practice self-care. Here are five effective ways I use to pass the time, stay productive, and maintain balance when the lights are out.

1. Prioritize Self-Care and Mindfulness

It’s already stressful enough not having your sense of normalcy but add to that the lack of access to technology that being without electricity brings, it can be a very stressful and depressing time. This is why staying calm during a power outage is key to managing your mental health. However, you can use this time without distractions like TV or constant notifications, to engage in mindfulness practices.

Power outages create a natural pause in our busy lives. Take advantage of this by practicing deep breathing exercises or mindfulness meditation to stay calm. (For guidance, check out my downloadable guided meditation cards Digital Guided Meditation Cards). Keeping a gratitude journal can help you focus on the positives amid chaos. For me, each night, I make a list of the good things that came out of Hurricane Milton, including the many jobs it created to help rebuild our state’s infrastructure.

Staying calm during challenging situations like a power outage has many important benefits, both for your mental and physical well-being. When you're calm, your body produces less cortisol (sounds like weight loss to me😎), the stress hormone. This prevents you from feeling overwhelmed or panicking, which can escalate anxiety.

A clear and calm mind also allows you to think more rationally, make better decisions, and come up with more creative solutions. For example, I learned that I could build a makeshift stove top using a foil pan, 6 sterno chafing fuel cans, and a cookie sheet; I also put to use some of the skills I learned on TikTok to keep my refrigerator colder longer. Who Knew I could be that creative!

Staying calm helps keep your heart rate and blood pressure in check, reducing the risks of headaches and fatigue. You have more positive interactions and prevent unnecessary arguments or tensions that might arise simply because you are frustrated with your current situation (no pun intended 🤣). Just think of it this way, the calmer you are in stressful situations, the better equipped you are to handle future challenges because you are building your emotional resilience over time.


2. Organize and Declutter Your Space

Unexpected downtime is a perfect opportunity for organizing your surroundings, helping you regain control while taking care of some of those needed tasks you’ve been putting off for months, aka clearing out your closet, reorganizing your pantry, or finally deleting those emails you’re never going to read.

Organizing a messy closet or sorting through paperwork may seem like pretty mundane tasks but physical organization can improve your mental clarity and reduce stress. If you have access to a charged device, consider using this time to clean up your digital life—organize your files, delete unused apps, and tidy your inbox. Another good idea is to cancel any unused subscriptions. This past week, I deleted over 55k emails from one of my inboxes (I was never going to read them; don’t judge me!🫣) and canceled two unused subscriptions, saving myself over seventy bucks per month.

Decluttering offers a range of mental and physical benefits. It reduces stress and anxiety by creating a more orderly environment, which promotes calm and focus while giving you a sense of accomplishment. With less clutter, you can improve productivity, enhance creativity, and enjoy mental clarity. A tidy space can even lead to better sleep, as a peaceful environment helps your mind relax more easily. You know that good feeling you get when you get home and remember you already cleaned your room? Exactly!

Beyond practical benefits, decluttering encourages healthy habits and can improve relationships with those you live with by fostering a more harmonious living space. It helps promote mindfulness in future purchases because you already know what you have at home; like not going to the Dollar Tree and picking up more packs of dental floss. Whether you're organizing your home or workspace, decluttering is a powerful way to create more mental space, enhance well-being, and build a sense of control over your surroundings.


3. Embracing Cold Showers: A Surprising Health Boost

One of the things I've had to adjust to during this time without power is taking cold showers—something I never thought I’d appreciate! Like seriously! My family knows that the hotter the water is, the more I love it. Now and again, I would end my showers cold, but cold from beginning to end has been a no-no for me since the invention of heaters. But, as I’ve discovered, cold showers come with several surprising health benefits.

Did you know that cold water stimulates circulation as your body works to maintain warmth? This increased blood flow helps keep your heart and muscles oxygenated, leading to improved heart health. Even though I wasn’t thrilled at first, I found that cold showers gave me an unexpected energy boost—almost like a shot of caffeine!

Cold showers can also stimulate the release of endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones. Over the past few days, I’ve noticed that after the initial shock of cold water, I’ve felt calmer and less stressed. It’s like a natural reset for the nervous system, helping me to be more calm and peaceful instead of anxious and stressed.

Did I mention my skin is also glowing😍? Unlike hot water, which can strip away natural oils, cold water helps retain moisture, keeping skin and hair healthier. Since I've been limited to cold showers, I’ve actually noticed my skin feeling and looking more hydrated.

One of the biggest benefits I’ve experienced is mental resilience. Embracing the discomfort of a cold shower has taught me to stay present, breathe deeply, and accept what’s outside of my control. It’s a small act of mindfulness that has carried over into other aspects of managing stress during this power outage.


4. Dive into Reading and Learning

If you’re looking for ways to stay productive during a power outage, reading and learning are perfect go-tos. If you don’t know this by now, I am a big nerd and love to read. However, my everyday life keeps me so busy that I simply do not have the time I would like to invest in it like I want to. But, during this power outage, I have been able to do just that, and I am loving every minute of it.

Without the distraction of TV, social media, or maybe even having to go to work, now is the time to dive into a book or listen to a downloaded audiobook. Reading helps to keep your mind active and engaged. Consider unplugged activities like drawing, coloring, handwriting practice, or even crafting. We started a sewing competition at my house, to see who could repurpose an old outfit into a new one. This is a great way to stay creative without relying on technology.

Even without electricity, you can use the time to set intentions for the future. Use this opportunity to dive into learning about yourself and where you see yourself in the next year and beyond. Setting clear goals will help you stay focused when things return to normal. Download my Goal-Setting Worksheet Goal Setting Worksheet.pdf to guide you in breaking these goals into manageable steps. Whatever goals you come up with, be sure to keep them S.M.A.R.T.

5. Stay Positive and be Patient

Power outages can be challenging, but it’s important to stay positive and be mindful of others. You can use this time to reach out to family members and friends with a quick hello or check-in. Shift your mindset by focusing on gratitude, taking morning and evening walks, or doing mini-exercises or stretches to help you relax and keep you grounded.

Most of all, be patient. Being uncomfortable for a little while helps us refocus on all the blessings of life, but only if we choose to do so. As with everything in life, choosing how we react to situations can be the difference between a healthier, happier outcome or a more depressing one.

In the end, dealing with a power outage doesn’t have to mean everything grinds to a halt. With a little mindfulness and creativity, you can turn this downtime into a productive, rejuvenating experience. Take the time to refocus on yourself, your goals, and your environment—and when the lights come back on, you’ll feel ready to return to your routine with a clearer mind and a more organized life.

What are some of your go-to ways to pass unexpected downtime? I would love to hear from you in the comments.


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